Scouts at the Courthouse!

By Michelle Connor, HMNS Scout Programs Manager   No they’re not in trouble, but in our Summer Scout classes you can find Scouts at the courthouse! For many of the scouts, HMNS Summer Scout classes might be their first trip to see a court proceeding. Both the Citizenship in the Community and Law merit badges […]

ICYMI: Real Texas History, Book of the Dead and Disappointed Toads

SELECTIONS FROM OUR COLLECTIONS: WHO’S GROUND ARE YOU STOMPING ON? Storytelling happens in many ways, orally, written or with puppets and plays, but this map above along with the others in Mapping Texas utilize an unconventional medium to illustrate the vast and intriguing history of Texas. As you follow the stories on the exhibit walls, each […]

Great News For Fans Of Sea Scorpions: We Have A New One And It’s Giant!

    Who wants to see a seven foot long scorpion? Given the option, most people would respond either with”that’s impossible!” or “no!”, but here at HMNS seven foot arthropods are not only possible, they’re something to get excited about! Unfortunately, although our new specimen is an arthropod, and is about five feet long, it […]

5 Of The Most Magical Objects At The Museum

Listicles are always fun to read, and they’re fun to make too! In keeping with our “5 of the most…” Series I’ve decided to write up a list of the most magical objects in our collection. But there’s a problem…. magic is kind of a vague term. I mean, are we talking about turning a […]

My Favorite Part About Camp!

Some of the Education staff started their careers at HMNS as campers in Xplorations Summer Camps; some of us started as part-time camp teachers in the summer; others started as Summer camp interns. A few of us have been here long enough that our own children, nieces and nephews are now too old for camp. […]

HMNS Weekly Happenings

Lecture – Roman Legionnaires – The Soldiers of the Roman Empire by John Keahey Each item of armor, weaponry and equipment of the typical Roman legionary soldier from 1 to 300 A.D. will be explained by historian John Keahey, while in character. The Roman auxiliary soldier, who was recruited from non-Roman tribe and could earn […]

Pharaonic Fitness Test!

  The image above shows a carved granite slab on display in our Hall of Ancient Egypt. It depicts Rameses II running a symbolic race during one of his Heb-Sed festivals. He carries a water jug over his shoulder possibly representing the burden of his rule. But what is all this for? Some readers of this […]

Selections From Our Collections: Who’s Ground Are You Stomping On?

Sometimes when we highlight selections from HMNS collections, we like to bring your attention to something small and understated, something you may not have noticed on your trips to the museum. But if you’ve been to the museum since the opening of Mapping Texas: From Frontier to Lone Star State, chances are you didn’t miss […]

Ancient Power Tools: Gemstone Cutting Before Faberge

For thousands of years people have sought to distinguish their place in society through wearing or owning rare and exotic materials. Depending on where you were from, these materials may vary. 500 years ago in the Midwestern United States, the tribal societies of the Mississippian Culture constructed jewelry and elaborate ceremonial objects from marine shells. […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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