Fill In The Blanks With Vice President Of Education Nicole Temple

The force of nature known as Nicole Temple is responsible for so many of the experiences that make the Houston Museum of Natural Science a wonderland of weird and wonderful. A member of the HMNS family since 1997, she has worked or volunteered continuously since then to make the museum a thought-provoking and engaging destination.  As […]

Horrific Haunts | HMNS Curates Your Halloween Movie Binge

Museums are places of historical, scientific, artistic and cultural education that can be delivered to the masses through various means, but many might have preconceived notions about these sacred halls. Some could find them eerie and perhaps even frightening. Dark, cold rooms sitting in silence. Artifacts of old, holding mysteries untold. I suppose that would […]

The Science Behind Myths

You’ve likely stumbled upon a myriad of articles with titles similar to this “Big meanies use science to debunk the Loch Ness Monster myth”, or “Loch Ness Monster Hoax” and so on. Unfortunately, this blog here today is not going to help convince you of the existence of any such monster, but it may help […]

From the Curator: The Purple Sea Snail – Upside Down Wanderer

If you have ever been to a beach where a Portuguese Man-Of-War jellyfish has washed up onto shore, you might also have seen the glorious Purple Sea Snail close by.  These light-as-air snails live their entire lives upside down and attached to a living Portuguese Man-Of-War. The purple and blue colors of the air sack of […]

Up All Night with Mars | October 2020 Sky Happenings

Jupiter and  Saturn are in the south at dusk this month. Look south in the early evening for the two planets which will be about 6 degrees apart.  Beginning now, you’ll notice Jupiter slowly approaching Saturn. (Saturn is moving too, but even more slowly than Jupiter). By December 21, the two planets will be only six arcminutes […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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