This week @HMNS: Making physics cool and celebrating 25 years at the George

This series is about events happening at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. For more information about HMNS, our exhibits and programming, please visit   THURSDAY, OCT. 9FILM SCREENING: Particle Fever GET TICKETS Imagine being able to watch Franklin received his first jolt of electricity or Edison turn on the first light bulb! Particle Fever gives you […]

We’ve Got the Fever: Particle Fever screening one night only at HMNS! (10/9/14)

Next week we’re bringing you the chance to glimpse back in time to the very beginning of the universe with the critically acclaimed documentary Particle Fever screening Thursday, October 9 in the Wortham Giant Screen Theatre at 6:00 p.m. “Wait a second,” you might say, “how can this documentary show us the beginning of the universe? I’m pretty sure […]

Seeing Stars with James Wooten: Two eclipses for the price of one!

This month, Mars remains in the southwest at dusk this month as it pulls away from Antares in Scorpius. Mars continues to fade a little each night as Earth continues to leave it farther behind.  Saturn drops into the Sun’s glare by Halloween. See how long you can keep track of it as it appears […]

Celebrate the thrill of discovery at International Archaeology Day at HMNS on Saturday, October 18

Celebrate International Archaeology Day with HMNS October 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.! Professional and avocational archaeologists from all over the greater Houston area will mark the day at HMNS by highlighting exciting discoveries in local archaeology. The event will include artifact identification, presentations and programs about archaeological excavations in the Houston area (including Dimond […]

Celebrate ARR Favorite Holiday at Mixers & Elixirs: Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aye, we be fast approchin’ arrr favorite holiday and yours – Talk Like a Pirate Day! Get your bearings buccaneers and set sail for the Houston Museum of Natural Science where spirits and booty abound with live music to boot. Once ye get a taste of pirate life, hearties, you’ll be hooked!   Not convinced? […]

Mean green flying machines: the hummingbirds are here!

What was that high pitched chirping and flash of iridescent green that just whizzed past at lightning speed? You just got buzzed by a hummingbird! The fall migration is passing through Houston, and these feisty little birds seem to be particularly abundant this year. Houston does not have (for the most part) any resident hummingbirds, […]

Gamers Unite: See how you’d fare in battle with Battleship Texas at HMNS Tuesday!

This post was written by guest blogger Andy Bouffard, Wargame Facilitator. “To a wargamer, wargames are not abstract, time-wasting pastimes, like other games, but representative of the real… You can learn something from wargames; indeed, in some ways you can learn more from wargames than from reading history.” – Greg Costikyan in the collection Tabletop: Analog Game Design. […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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