HMNS Celebrates Charro, the Green Iguana

May 7, 2022
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Written by Celeste Castro, Animal Care Supervisor

We are saddened to announce the passing of our beloved iguana and Cockrell Butterfly Center resident, Charro.

He died peacefully in his sleep on 5/6/2022 just 2 days after celebrating his 23rd birthday. He joined the CBC in the summer of 2009 and delighted visitors with his antics and goofy under bite for 12 years until his retirement from the limelight in March 2021. Since then he lived the pampered life behind-the-scenes spending his time sunbathing, enjoying fresh salads daily, and soaking in warm baths. He still enjoyed coming out of retirement and posing for pictures with visitors for special events and occasions. He was doted on by our dedicated CBC iguana volunteer, Martha, twice a week, every week for the entire time he resided in the CBC.

We are thankful for Charro and all the fun memories he has provided for the hundreds of thousands of visitors that have enjoyed his presence in the CBC. He will be sorely missed.

Please use the comment section to share memories of Charro you may have.

Further Charro Reading:

A Letter from Charro the Iguana

A Letter to Santa | Written by Charro the Iguana

On Retirement | A Letter from Charro

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