Which natural disaster are YOU? Nature Unleashed brings the perfect storm to HMNS

May 21, 2014
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Discover the most incredible, violent, stunning events of the natural world in Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters, opening at HMNS on Friday, May 23. From violent tremors to massive explosions, from the eye of the storm to funnel clouds, Nature Unleashed takes you inside natural disasters for a perspective like you’ve never had before.

tornadoAnd now (via a super-unscientific method), you can find out which natural disaster fits you best! Just pick your favorite title below:

What’s the title of your natural disaster autobiography?

  1. Shaken, Never Stirred: How I Moved the World
  2. My Awesomeness Grants More Awesomeness (M.A.G.M.A)
  3. Topical Depression: Spiraling Out of Control
  4. Sharknado Ain’t Got Nothin’ on Me

Scroll down to find out your natural disaster.

If you answered 1, then you’re an earthquake!
If you answered 2, then you’re a volcano!
If you answered 3, then you’re a hurricane!
If you answered 4, then you’re a tornado!

Here’s what your natural disaster says about you:

You are the constant rearranger. Never content to leave things be for too long, eventually you’ve just gotta shake it up! You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders but try to hide it most of the time: stealth is your middle name. People may not notice you until you reach your breaking point – but then no one can ignore you!

Must-see destination: Mariana Trench
Perfect career: Fracking
Best friends: Terra “The Tectonic Plate” Firma and Gio Thur-Mal

You’re the rock of the group — until you’re not. Most of the time, you’re as stable as can be. Cool and collected, taking it all in. But every so often something sets you off and you EXPLODE. No one can hide from you when that fiery temper comes out. People worship and revile you all over the world for your destructive and rejuvenating capabilities.

Must-see destination:  Pompeii
Favorite movie: Joe vs. the Volcano
Favorite pastime: Making Hawaii

You never stay in one place for too long, but you sure do make an impression — or, rather, depression (of the air) wherever you go. You are very strong, but don’t know the extent of your strength. You absolutely love media attention, but your 15 minutes are never really enough. So you make sure to come around at regular intervals so that no one can forget about you.

Must-see destination: Florida
Favorite drink: Cyclone
Favorite activity: Changing your name

You’re still mad Dorothy got the credit for dropping a house on the Wicked Witch of the West. You tend to have short bursts of activity, but that doesn’t mean you don’t put your all into it. You’re generally pretty clumsy, and tend to make a mess wherever you go.

Must-see destination: Oz
Favorite game: Twister
Favorite movie: Sharknado

Now that you’ve been unscientifically diagnosed as the force of nature you are, come learn about the real science behind all of these natural disasters at Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters.

Feel the ground shake during an earthquake, witness the fury of an erupting volcano, or get swept away by a hurricane or tornado. This exhibit is full of discoveries just waiting to happen!

Get your tickets today! Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters opens at HMNS May 23.  

Authored By Vincent Covatto

Vincent is the Copywriter at HMNS.

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