Lost Or Forgotten Houston History: Sports Edition

The Houston Museum of Natural Science has been a member of the Houston Community since 1909. We were established by the Houston Scientific Society, whose members had names like Ideson, Attwater, Westeimer and Kirby. We have so many ties to Houston history that it seems every time the wrecking ball swings we lose a part […]

Tasty Treats And Top Secret Leaks: What’s Happening This Week At HMNS

Special Event – Tasty Toxic Tuesday Learn about things in nature that are potentially deadly but have been prized and eaten by humans for thousands of years. David Temple, Associate Curator of Paleontology and co-curator of the new exhibition “Death by Natural Causes” will lead this evening of gustatory mayhem.   This multi-media presentation will […]

A Few Daytrips From Houston That Offer Surprisingly Rewarding Experiences

Everyone knows that traveling is a rewarding experience, but there seems to be a misconception as to how far you have to go to attain this elusive “reward”. I’m not the most seasoned traveler on earth, but I’ve been to a few different countries and some pretty exotic destinations and I’m here to tell you […]

Weird And Unexpected Pollinators Who Help Keep Our World’s Ecosystems Going!

  With National Pollinator Week behind us, it may be easy to focus on other issues and forget that pollinators need our help to bounce back. While many people only envision little honeybees when they think about pollinators, they couldn’t be a more diverse group of animals, including mammals, birds, insects, and even reptiles! Here […]

Cool Stuff To Do This Week At HMNS

Behind The Scenes Tour of Our Cockrell Butterfly Center Plus Greenhouses Go behind the scenes with Museum entomologists and horticulturists who care for the plants and animals in the three-story rainforest terrarium. The tour includes areas not open to the public–the greenhouses on the 7th floor of the parking garage and containment room. Tuesday, July […]

A Brief History Of Fireworks And Why We Pop Them On The 4th of July

Happy Independence Day! Are you going to blow some stuff up today? Well, before you do why don’t we examine just why exploding things is an appropriate way to show everyone how happy we are to be free. It all started in China. Way back (some sources say it was around 200 B.C.) someone discovered […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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