HMNS Weekly Happenings

Behind The Scenes – The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes Take advantage of a dark, quiet night when the Museum is closed to the public to explore “The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes.” Instead of a traditional tour, docents will be scattered throughout the exhibition to provide you with intel and clues. Tuesday, May 29, […]

Why Not Both: The Story Of A Gynandromorph

In 2013 a unique aberration made its appearance at the Cockrell Butterfly Center.  A Great Southern White (Ascia monuste) butterfly emerged from its chrysalis with a perfect bilateral split down the center of its body. One side of the butterfly was male, the other was female. Since the Great Southern White is a sexually dimorphic […]

HMNS Weekly Happenings

Lecture – Venomous Bites and Stings – Public Perceptions and Misconceptions by Spencer Greene   There’s plenty of misinformation about both prevention and relief from bites and stings. Dr. Spencer Greene will break down some common myths about dealing with critter attacks–jellyfish, bees, snakes, asps, ants, scorpions are all culprits of myths.   Spencer Greene, […]

Discovering Texas With Monsters And Teens

  In the modern age of planes, trains and automobiles the world can seem like it’s getting smaller every minute. But what I think is actually happening is that this new world of travel options simply causes us to overlook the quirky little corners of our own cities and states and as a result we […]

HMNS Weekly Happenings

Lecture – The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World by Simon Winchester Revered “New York Times” bestselling author Simon Winchester will trace the development of technology from the Industrial Age to the Digital Age to explore the single component crucial to advancement–precision–in a history that is both an homage and a warning for […]

7 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

It’s been more than two weeks since the International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes opened here at HMNS. For those of you who have not read about the exhibit yet, it’s basically an interactive  nineteenth century crime scene and traditional historical exhibition rolled into one. Visitors can try their hand at helping Holmes interpret a mock […]

Sky Happenings In May, 2018

  In May, you can watch as the Dog Days begin!  We are in the Dog Days when the Dogs have vanished from the sky.  As May begins, Orion, the Hunter is clearly visible due west right after sunset.  To his left, aligned with Orion’s belt, is Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star we […]

Bugs on Wheels has Gotten an Upgrade!

In 2018, Bugs on Wheels turned 12! For 12 years, Cockrell Butterfly Center and HMNS Education staff members have been driving amazing bugs all over the state of Texas and beyond to teach your kids how to love them. I started the program in 2006 with my entomological counterpart Laurie Pierrel. I would spend my […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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