Volunteer Spotlight | Kayla LaFrance

The George Observatory could not have survived without numerous amateur astronomers over the years! We want to thank our many volunteers who continue to generously share their time and talents so that visitors may see images from a variety of telescopes and enjoy the night sky. How and when did you get interested in astronomy? […]

What Was ‘The Christmas Star’?

Have you ever wondered what the Christmas star was? There are several astronomical events we can look at to see if there is a basis for the star mentioned in relation to the birth of Jesus. The Bible states: Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise […]

Comet Leonard | December 2021 Sky Happenings

Venus remains in the evening sky one more month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so it is unmistakable low in the southwest at dusk. Late in the month, Venus returns towards the Sun’s glare, where it will become invisible right after New Year’s Day. Jupiter and Saturn remain well placed for evening […]

Volunteer Spotlight | Justin McCollum

The George Observatory could not have survived without numerous amateur astronomers over the years! We want to thank our many volunteers who continue to generously share their time and talents so that visitors may see images from a variety of telescopes and enjoy the night sky. How and when did you get interested in astronomy? […]

Full Moon | November 2021 Sky Happenings

Venus remains in the evening sky this month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so it is unmistakable low in the southwest at dusk. Jupiter and Saturn remain well placed for evening observing this fall. Look for Jupiter and Saturn in the south as night falls. Jupiter is brighter than all the stars we ever […]

Volunteer Spotlight | Jeff Lepp

The George Observatory could not have survived without numerous amateur astronomers over the years! We want to thank our many volunteers who continue to generously share their time and talents so that visitors may see images from a variety of telescopes and enjoy the night sky. How and when did you get interested in astronomy? […]

Harvest Moon | September 2021 Sky Happenings

Venus remains in the evening sky this month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so it is unmistakable low in the west southwest at dusk. Jupiter and Saturn were up all night long last month, leaving them well placed for evening observing this fall. Look for Jupiter and Saturn rising in the east […]

Summer Stargazing at the George Observatory

It’s time to enjoy the lazy days of summer and the wonders of stargazing nights. Now that the George Observatory has reopened to the public, the summer months are the perfect time to pre-purchase tickets online, pack up a picnic lunch or snacks along with family or friends, and head to “the George” located inside […]

Exploring the Night Sky with Astrophotography

Image of the moon through a telescope

At the risk of sounding overly cliché, astrophotography is a hobby that is effortless to start and virtually impossible to master. Smartphones are so powerful now that almost anyone can point it towards the Moon and snap a decent picture. At its most basic, that is astrophotography. However, venturing into the gulf between a Moon […]

Where Winter and Spring Stars Meet | April 2021 Sky Happenings

Mars continues to fade a little bit each night now that Earth has overtaken it and is pulling away. However, it fades out gradually; Mars remains almost as bright as the stars around it in April 2021. And Mars is high in the west–well placed for observing right as night falls.  Jupiter and Saturn are the morning […]

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