Behind The Scenes: From Tucson to HMNS

March 9, 2018
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Our buyers head to Tucson, Arizona every year in late January early February to handpick minerals and fossils to add to our inventory. Searching for just the right items for our store at the largest, oldest and most prestigious gem and mineral show in the world, the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. Vendors from all over showcase their finds and we purchase them. From malachite to mineral carvings to beautiful gemstones. Here’s a behind the scenes look of the process of how these gorgeous pieces get to our shop.

Once they arrive it’s time to sort them out. Francisco, our gems and minerals manager gathers some assistance to keep it organized. Receiving, sorting, and pricing is his thing.

After a few days I come in. I get to choose the online exclusives and I can honestly say it is one of the hardest things to do since they’re so beautiful.

Keep an eye out in store and online to purchase these items. Follow our social media outlets for additional behind the scenes shots @shophmns.

Authored By Marina Torres

As Visual Manager of the Museum Store, Marina is in charge of producing product images as well as social media content to better showcase what we have in store for you.

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