Celebrate the thrill of discovery at International Archaeology Day at HMNS on Saturday, October 18

September 23, 2014
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Celebrate International Archaeology Day with HMNS October 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.! Professional and avocational archaeologists from all over the greater Houston area will mark the day at HMNS by highlighting exciting discoveries in local archaeology.

The event will include artifact identification, presentations and programs about archaeological excavations in the Houston area (including Dimond Knoll, discovered along the Grand Parkway), and displays of artifacts from other local sites, including a large collection of prehistoric stone tools recovered along Buffalo Bayou and artifacts recovered from recent archaeological surveys at the San Jacinto Battlefield.  

Projectile points from Dimond Knoll site.

“We’ve been talking about putting on this event for several years and are excited that we are finally able to offer it to the public,” said Dr. August Costa of Rice University and one of the organizers of the event. “One of the highlights of the event will be our artifact identification table in the Grand Hall of the Museum, where experts will be on hand to identify items brought in by members of the public. We encourage participants to bring in their collections and learn more about what they’ve recovered.”

Dr. Gregg Dimmick and John Rich excavating at Bernardo Plantation in Hempstead.

The event will also feature a family-friendly archaeology fair with interactive hands-on displays using real artifacts recovered from archeological sites, including stone tools, prehistoric pottery, and animal bone and shell, flint knapping demonstrations, and arts and crafts for kids focusing on the prehistoric era. Attendees will receive a goody bag with handouts from participating organizations, including bookmarks, rulers, brochures and other surprises.

HAS President Linda Gorski and Lenore Psencik screen for Dimond Knoll artifacts.

HMNS docents will man the Museum touch carts from several exhibits, including the Hall of Ancient Egypt, McGovern Hall of the Americas and Human Evolution section of the Moran Hall of Paleontology.

Initiated by the American Institute of Archeology in 2011, International Archeology Day celebrates thrill of discovery. This International Archeology Day event is sponsored by HMNS, the Houston Archeological Society, Rice University Archaeology, the Texas Department of Transportation and several other local groups. Exhibits in the Grand Hall of the Museum are free of charge. Additional exhibits in Glassell Hall are free with Museum admission. 

For more information on participating in this event, contact Linda Gorski, president of the Houston Archeological Society at president@txhas.org.

Instructor Dr. Gus Costa teaches flint knapping at HMNS on October 11 and December 1. (Image Credit: Gus Costa, The Flintstone Factory)

Instructor Dr. Gus Costa teaches flint knapping at HMNS on October 11 and December 1. (Image Credit: Gus Costa, The Flintstone Factory)

As October is Texas Archaeology Month, HMNS is also hosting several archaeology lectures.   For more hands-on archaeology fun, Dr. Gus Gosta join hosting an adult flint knapping class on Saturday, October 11. For more information and to register, click here.

HMNS is also hosting these archaeology lectures in October in celebration of Texas Archaeology Month:

Houston’s Prehistoric Energy Corridor
Wednesday, October 1, 6:30 p.m.
During the planning stages for the Grand Parkway, a prehistoric site dating back 10,000 years was uncovered. Dr. Jason Barrett, TxDOT archaeologist, directed the Dimond Knoll investigation that was completed this year and has shed new light on the prehistoric heritage of Houston prior to the arrival of Europeans. Click here for tickets.
Sponsored by the Houston Archeology Society.

The World Converges in Constantinople: Contact in a Byzantine Port
Thursday, October 16, 2014, 6:30 p.m.|
Excavations of a 4th century port reveal a vibrant hub of commercial activity that brought the world to the Byzantine Empire. Not only did ships bring spectacular wealth, they also brought ideas. Marine archaeologist Dr. Ufuk Kocabas of Istanbul University will explain what has been uncovered at the ancient Harbor of Theodosius. Click here for tickets. 
Cosponsored by Archaeological Institute of America, Houston Society.

Camp Logan, a WWI Emergency Training Center in Houston
Louis Aulbach and Linda Gorski, Archaeologists
Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
Camp Logan, a military training base built in 1917, housed 44,000 soldiers in what is now Houston’s Memorial Park. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WWI, Louis Aulbach and Linda Gorski will present the archaeological work at the site and pay tribute to the soldiers who trained at Camp Logan. Click here for tickets.
Sponsored by the Houston Archeology Society.

Click here for a list of all of our upcoming lectures.

Related blogs:
The HMNS School of Rock: Cracking Caveman Crafts in the Classroom

Do you dig historic Houston? TxDOT and Join the Houston Archeology Society August 17! Click here for more information.

Authored By Vincent Covatto

Vincent is the Copywriter at HMNS.

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