Celebrate ARR Favorite Holiday at Mixers & Elixirs: Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 18, 2014
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Aye, we be fast approchin’ arrr favorite holiday and yours – Talk Like a Pirate Day! Get your bearings buccaneers and set sail for the Houston Museum of Natural Science where spirits and booty abound with live music to boot.

Once ye get a taste of pirate life, hearties, you’ll be hooked!

Not convinced? Here are some pros and cons to pirate life:

 PRO: Fancy Hats

CON: Sea monsters 

PRO: Cool lingo

CON: Other pirates trying to steal your stuff

Pro: Having a sweet ride

BUT you don’t have to be a pirate to talk like a pirate tomorrow! So come celebrate maties at HMNS!

Authored By Vincent Covatto

Vincent is the Copywriter at HMNS.

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