Forever is too long: How I said no to the afterlife and yes to unlimited visitation

May 28, 2013
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Things took a turn for the more serious with Ankh Hap, our recently-relocated original Museum Mummy. If this is your first time tuning into our otherworldly correspondence, we suggest you catch up here.


The latest stems from an unexpected invitation to the afterlife, which I was extremely flattered by and unprepared for. It’s simply not a situation I find myself in often; I had trouble getting a date through adolescence (and beyond, if we’re being honest).

Here’s how it went down:

Emails from the other side: The Museum Mummy reaches out


Emails from the other side: The Museum Mummy reaches out


Emails from the other side: The Museum Mummy reaches out

I’ve yet to hear back, and I imagine Ankh Hap needs some consoling. Or perhaps he’s already moved on to some other, more age-appropriate lady in skin-tight wrappings.

Check on him, will you? He’ll begin taking public visitors when the Hall of Ancient Egypt opens to the public this Friday, May 31.

Authored By Caroline Gallay

Caroline was the Digital Media Editor at HMNS from 2012 to 2013. She was responsible for telling the Museum’s story online. You could find Caroline on the site profiling characters around the museum and making sure you knew what the what was going on around this crazy/awesome place.

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