Hatshepsut: Neither a Mad Queen Nor a Bad Mother!

HMNS’ collections are more than just curiosities, they’re mementos of past lives, each with a story to tell and a lesson to teach. Take, for example, the chunk of pink granite from our Hall of Ancient Egypt pictured below. This two and a half foot tall rock may look pretty big, but it’s only a […]

Fighting Nature With Nature: Using Mosquito Assassins to Make Summer Safer

Exciting things are happening in the Cockrell Butterfly Center! Anita Schiller, Director of the Biocontrol Mosquito Initiative in Harris County Precinct 4 is working with our staff to test an innovative, eco-friendly way to control the population of mosquitoes in Harris Country using a natural predator of everybody’s least favorite insect called the mosquito assassin […]

HMNS’ Guide to the Night Sky in Houston, May 2019

In times gone by, our ancestors gazed up at the night sky and told stories of the wondrous figures they saw gliding above the horizon. That was before television. These days most of us have forgotten the stories, but the stars are still up there. All you have to do is look. Your imagination will […]

Missed Connections: Maya Seashell Currency

The world is a vast place, but all life living on its surface sprung from the same origins. Everyone and everything on this planet is connected. Sometimes the connections may not be readily apparent, but they are there.. Our “Missed Connections” series is all about exploring the unexpected connections between objects in our different exhibits. […]

The Moon Has Landed At HMNS! Or At Least A Giant, Realistic Replica Has…

We are pleased to present our newest exhibit, a scale model of the Moon just in time to commemorate the 50th anniversary of our Apollo missions! Without the moon, life on Earth as we know it would not exist. Our moon is unusually large for a planet Earth’s size. (Other moons of similar size in […]

Lecture Leaks: Egypt’s Black Pharaohs

Today the Houston Museum of Natural Science is hosting a fascinating lecture titled Black Pharaohs: Egypt, Nubia and Cultural Merging. The lecture will be presented by Dr. Peter Lacovara, who has been working in Egypt for over 30 years. Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Lacovara during a recording for the upcoming season of the Beyond Bones Podcast. This […]

Fabergé Eggs: Easter Eggs Fit for a King (Literally)

In Russian Orthodox tradition, Easter is the most important celebration of the year, even more so than Christmas. It’s probably for that reason that the Russians took the ancient tradition of decorating Eater Eggs to a whole new level near the end of their Imperial Age at the turn of the 20th century. Beautiful, Easter […]

Why Notre Dame Cathedral’s Future is Secure Thanks to Its Past

By Dr. Michael Tinkler, Associate Professor of Art and Architecture, Hobart and William Smith Colleges The good news from Paris this week is that medieval builders worried about church fires. Remember, all light before Edison involved open flame – whether torches or candles. Candles in churches today are mainly symbolic, but reading inside churches called […]

Is Monarchy Better than Democracy?

The other day as I was walking past the beautiful displays of sporting arms from the 16th to the 19th centuries in our new special exhibition Art of the Hunt, I found myself completely awed by the beauty of the utilitarian devices being exhibited. It seems like everything made during the age when monarchs ruled is so beautiful. […]

New Name, Same Deceptively Educational Fun: Summer Camps @ HMNS

By Jayme Schlimper, Overnight Program Manager and Curator of Education Collections HEY EVERYONE LOOK HERE I HAVE SOMETHING SUPER IMPORANT TO TELL YOU! Xplorations camps at HMNS are no more! Just kidding! Did I scare you? Don’t worry we’ll still be having camp here, with all your favorite topics, but now we’re calling ourselvesSummer Camps […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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