The Megalodon Swims into the World of Gaming

A photograph of a Megalodon jaw detailing tooth fossils.

Megalodon: The Monster Gets Virtual In celebration of Shark Week’s end, I see no greater reason to push the Mighty Megalodon to the surface. While the modern-day shark seems to be making recent headlines off the shores of Florida and Hawaii by way of attack, I tend to like my sharks a bit more pixelated […]

Finding Peace Under Pressure: A Close up Look at the New Butterfly of Peace

With their bright, fluttering wings and airy flight, butterflies are revered in cultures all over the world as beacons of hope and peace. It’s one of the many reasons we love the Cockrell Butterfly Center; the peaceful thrum of the butterflies creates a tranquil, tropical oasis. Now, a new piece on loan from Alan Bronstein […]

Harrowing Tales from Monster Movie Maker Camp

Last week we were excited to offer our Movie Monster Maker camp in Sugar Land, and boy there was a lot of ACTION! Everyone had a great week trying out some monsters, making stop motion animation shorts and investigating some monster mythology (and terrifying their parents at pick up). Check out their movies below. The […]

The Deadly Dress Test!

Today on Beyond Bones we’re sharing the results of a rather unusual test that was recently performed by the curators of our blockbuster special exhibition Death by Natural Causes. The test in question involved a Victorian-era dress, a book printed during the early 20th century and a can of insecticide. According to our research, all of these items […]

HMNS’ Guide to the Night Sky in July, 2019

Jupiter remains in the evening sky, well placed for observing.  Look low in the southwest at dusk for the brightest thing there.   Saturn is at opposition on July 9.  This means that Earth is aligned between Saturn and the Sun on that date, putting Saturn opposite the Sun in our sky.  For much of July, Saturn is […]

Our Summer Scouts Programs Are CLAW-some!

Hi, everyone. Karl here! I’m the resident raptor at the Museum. You’ve probably seen me hanging out by the elevators outside the Education Office. I mostly spend my time there unless someone takes me on an adventure around the Museum. Sometimes I get to go to conferences to tell people about all the amazing things […]

How Photography Changed History In More Ways Than You Think

It’s National Camera Day, which is a particularly relevant holiday to our institution since we just opened our new special exhibition In Focus, which is basically an immersive art space where you can go and take really cool pictures of yourself and your friends. Seeing all the visitors who have come to the exhibit to […]

HMNS Travel Guide: The Buffalo Soldiers in Texas

Today on Beyond Bones I’m going to offer up a few potential travel destinations for those of you who like to visit little-known and seldom explored places that have awesome histories. The destinations in question are a string of ruined forts that date back to the era when West Texas was a still a lawless […]

Why the Far Side of the Moon is so Different from the Near Side?

When you come see our giant scale model Moon and walk around it, you’ll notice how different the near side (which always faces us) is from the far side (which we never see). Large, dark lava flows called ‘maria’ cover almost a third (31.2%) of the near side but only 1% of the far side. […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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