Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, Nov. 28

Many people make our museum a great place – scientists, teachers, builders, designers, artists, accountants, fundraisers, students, collectors, donors and more. But one of the most important people that make HMNS great is YOU.
HMNS is a nonprofit. And like any nonprofit, it takes a lot of support to help keep our doors open. The museum is fortunate to bring in revenue through things like ticket sales, gift shop sales, summer camp tuition and other fees. In fact, about 80% of our annual budget is earned or contributed revenue. But we depend on the community, our partners, visitors, donors, parents and friends to help with the rest. Our museum only takes a miniscule amount of government funding (from the city of Houston) so it’s on us to sustain programming and provide services through contributions. There is always a need.
Your support of our museum is our most important asset. Even a dollar helps and all gifts are important. From the child who donates everything in her piggy bank to the donors whose names grace our walls, each gift is hugely meaningful. And it’s gratifying to know that because of that gift – or any gift – the museum has resonated with you in some way. Something we do makes you happy or interests you or your children or maybe you just think it’s important for people to see or learn about science and its impact in the world in which we all share/live.
We protect your gifts, we use them wisely, and we genuinely need your support. On Giving Tuesday and any day you feel inclined to support HMNS please know that we welcome and value your gifts and all of us will do our best to continue to earn your confidence in what we do and what we offer.
Lecture – The Global Energy Scene: Some things you might not read in the “Times” by Scott W. Tinker
Over the past few decades, a story of “good” and “bad” energy has evolved: renewable good, fossil and nuclear bad. School kids are taught “facts” about energy that sometimes violate economic and even physical principles. Passionate online voices, and even national newspapers, present “ideal world” opinions without fully understanding the upsides and downsides of those scenarios.
Dr. Scott W. Tinker of the Bureau of Economic Geology will present a few global-energy realities that you are unlikely to read in the “Times” and pose a few questions whose answers might challenge what you think you know. As Mark Twain is credited with saying, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
As the United States considers its position in energy, it is vital to understand the actual facts, real costs and benefits, and true global implications of various policies in order to minimize politics and maximize lasting impact. Tinker will review the considerations–from climate and carbon, to poverty and immigration, to renewable energy and reregulation of electricity markets.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 – 7:00 PM
HMNS Catalysts Event – Wiess Energy Hall
Thursday, November 30, 2017 – 6:30 PM
Running Time: 2 hours
Note: You must sign in to purchase HMNS Catalysts members tickets.
Better. Stronger. Faster! Dubbed Wiess Energy Hall 3.0, the third iteration of this popular hall will enlarge from its previous 8,500 square feet to an expansive 30,000 square feetálmost the size of a football field. Joining the completely redesigned “classic” displays will be a bonanza of entirely new exhibits, making the new hall the most contemporary, comprehensive and technologically advanced exhibition on the science and technology of energy anywhere in the world.
Complimentary drinks and light bites
Strictly for adults ages 21 and up!
FREE for HMNS Catalysts Members!
General Public: $25
Museum Members (All Other Levels and HMNS Catalysts Guests) $15
Please reserve guest and Museum Member tickets at the Museum box office or by calling 713-639-4629.