‘Shark Finning Should Stop’: a Letter from the Next Generation

The Youth Education department at the Houston Museum of Natural Science received an unexpected letter last month from a concerned elementary school student named Octavia. She takes a stand against shark finning, an issue weighing heavily on the hearts of many around the world, and her letter is proof that we will certainly pass the […]

Mark Your Calendars for these events happening at HMNS 4/11-4/17

Last week’s featured #HMNSBlockParty creation is by Aileen and Adam Xu (ages: 14 & 17): Want to get your engineering handwork featured? Drop by our Block Party interactive play area and try your own hand building a gravity-defying masterpiece. Tag your photos with #HMNSBlockParty. Behind-the-Scenes Tour – Amber Secrets, Feathers from the Age of DinosaursMonday, […]

Spectrum of Birthdays: HMNS Celebrates in Any Tradition!

by Rochelle Beckford and Karen Whitley Birthdays are an event that is celebrated in nearly every culture around the world. Every culture has its own traditions. Some traditions are based on the standing of the family in the community, the gender of the child, the birth order, or religion. Here at the HMNS we have […]

Return to Paraguay: Conserving the Taguá, a Living Fossil

In 1972, mammalogist Ralph Wetzel and colleagues were studying armadillo ectoparasites in the Paraguayan Chaco when they came upon a peccary (what we call javelina in Texas) that didn’t look like those already known to science. The result was Catagonus wagneri – the Chacoan peccary, known only from a fossil discovered in 1930 by Argentinian […]

The Adventures of Archie the Wandering T. rex: France

by Karen Whitley Hey there, devoted fans! Archie checking in. I can’t wait to tell you about my last adventure abroad. After packing up from my last adventure to jolly ol’ England, I said “Cheers!” to the United Kingdom and boarded the Eurostar to France! Parlez-vous français anyone? Yeah, me neither, unfortunately. The Chunnel was great, zooming […]

“I Have a Question! Where do Your Bugs Come From?”

When I’m maintaining the live exhibits in the Brown Hall of Entomology in the Cockrell Butterfly Center, or giving a tour of our Insect Containment Room, one of the questions I’m most frequently asked is, “Where do the bugs come from?” It’s a very good question! Many people ask if we are able to actually collect them, and I wish […]

Kids Explore STEAM Careers with HMNS Outreach

Inspiring a child takes effort, time, passion and heart. It’s why we do what we do. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science, discoveries are made daily. The sounds of learning fill our hallways every day, from the gasp of wonder from a kid stepping onto the Morian Overlook for the first time or the […]

Mark Your Calendars for these events happening at HMNS 4/4-4/10

Last week’s featured #HMNSBlockParty creation is by Cameron (age: 6): Want to get your engineering handwork featured? Drop by our Block Party interactive play area and try your own hand building a gravity-defying masterpiece. Tag your photos with #HMNSBlockParty. Behind-the-Scenes Tour – HMNS Offsite Collections StorageMonday, Apr. 41:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.Millions of artifacts and specimens […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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