Rub elbows with the Royal Family at a distinguished lecture from Royal Curator Caroline De Guitaut

February 20, 2013
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Caroline De Guitaut, curator at The Royal Collection Trust in London, is the author of three books on the work of Peter Carl Fabergé — Fabergé’s Animals: A Royal Farm in Miniature, Royal Fabergé, and Diamonds: A Jubilee Celebration. Basically, she’s kind of big deal when it comes to the The House of Fabergé, and she’ll be on-hand Feb. 25 to discuss just that in a Distinguished Lecture: Carl Fabergé: Imperial Jeweler to the Tsars.

De Guitaut is an authority on the work of Fabergé and manages the Royal Family’s personal jewel collection, in addition to inhabiting an illustrious space as The Person Who Has Touched Kate Middleton’s Wedding Dress.

Courtesy of Getty Images

Listen below to De Guitaut speak about Fabergé workmaster Albert Holmstrom’s Mosaic Egg — one of the famed Imperial Easter Eggs — and click here for tickets to see her in person!

Authored By Caroline Gallay

Caroline was the Digital Media Editor at HMNS from 2012 to 2013. She was responsible for telling the Museum’s story online. You could find Caroline on the site profiling characters around the museum and making sure you knew what the what was going on around this crazy/awesome place.

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