Total Eclipse | May 2022 Sky Happenings

Sky map of constellations seen in May evening skies

Venus remains in the morning sky this month.  Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so you can try to find it low in the southeast at dawn.  Venus remains a ‘morning star’ for most of 2022. Mars is low the morning sky this month.  The Red planet pulls away from Saturn this […]

HMNS Explains | Telescopes 101

A person stands at a telescope underneath the stars

Written by Leonard Ferguson, George Observatory volunteer Have you ever gotten a new telescope? Are you possibly frustrated with not being able to figure out how that new ‘scope works? Next is figuring out how to really “see” those objects once you find them! While a discussion of the many different telescope designs is far […]

Full Moon Brings Easter | April 2022 Sky Happenings

Astronomers using NASA Hubble Space Telescope have found a bow shock around a very young star in the nearby Orion nebula, an intense star-forming region of gas and dust.

Mercury is the only evening planet this month.  Look for it low in the west at dusk, over the point of sunset, beginning mid-month,. Venus remains in the morning sky this month.  Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so you can try to find it low in the southeast at dawn.  Venus […]

Spring Forward | March 2022 Sky Happenings

Map of constellations for the month of March 2022

Venus remains in the morning sky this month.  Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so you can try to find it low in the southeast at dawn.  Venus remains a ‘morning star’ for most of 2022. Mars is low the morning sky this month.  Look low in the southeast at dawn, to […]

Lunar New Year | February 2022 Sky Happenings

Sky Map for February 2022

Jupiter remains in the west southwest as night falls.  However, Jupiter gets slightly lower each evening at sunset, until by mid-month it is getting lost in the Sun’s glare.  Once it’s gone, we’ll have no evening planets until August. Venus has entered the morning sky this month.  Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the […]

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived!

Astronomers worldwide got a special Christmas gift this past year with the liftoff of the James Webb Space Telescope. It has just arrived (as of January 24) at its destination. By summer, it will begin 10 years (or more) of probing the deepest regions of the universe.  The James Webb Space Telescope is a collaboration […]

Happy New Year | January 2022 Sky Happenings

Venus switches from the evening sky to the morning sky this month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so you can try to find it low in the southwest at dusk for the first few days of January. On January 8, Venus is in line with the Sun and impossible to see. After mid-month, […]

Volunteer Spotlight | Kayla LaFrance

The George Observatory could not have survived without numerous amateur astronomers over the years! We want to thank our many volunteers who continue to generously share their time and talents so that visitors may see images from a variety of telescopes and enjoy the night sky. How and when did you get interested in astronomy? […]

What Was ‘The Christmas Star’?

Have you ever wondered what the Christmas star was? There are several astronomical events we can look at to see if there is a basis for the star mentioned in relation to the birth of Jesus. The Bible states: Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise […]

Comet Leonard | December 2021 Sky Happenings

Venus remains in the evening sky one more month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so it is unmistakable low in the southwest at dusk. Late in the month, Venus returns towards the Sun’s glare, where it will become invisible right after New Year’s Day. Jupiter and Saturn remain well placed for evening […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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