Here’s What’s Happening at HMNS This Week

June 5, 2017
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New at HMNS! FLY! Be Free!

A spectacular VR Experience

For millennia, humans have longed to fly like a bird, to take to the sky, arms outstretched, with the power and innate grace of the avian masters. While human biomechanics will never allow for the facility of unfettered flight, today’s virtual reality (VR), coupled with robotics and simulation technology, can deliver an experience like never before…..fulfilling our ultimate dream of flying like a bird.

Fly! Be Free! is located in the Grand Hall at HMNS at Hermann Park and tickets can be purchased onsite.

Members: $5
Nonmembers: $10

DISTINGUISHED LECTURE: “Soldiers of Early Texas” with John Keahey, Historian
Tuesday, June 6, 6:30 p.m.
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Historian John Keahey, while in full dress, will explain each item of clothing and equipment of a Texian volunteer and Texian settler who participated in the epic War for Texas Independence (1836-1836). The Texian will then be contrasted with the elaborate European-style uniform of a Mexican foot soldier.

Next, Keahey will introduce you to one of the least studied, but at the same time one of the most important events in the development of the United States in the 19th-century–the Mexican War (1845-1848), which confirmed Texas as part of the United States, nearly doubling the size of the US in the quest for manifest destiny. The complete uniforms and equipment of a regular soldier in the US Army will be explained. Click here to learn more.

EVENING FILM SCREENING: “Sonic Sea” with Heidi Whitehead, Marine Biologist, Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Thursday, June 8, 6:30 p.m.
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This is a one-night-only screening.

Whales, dolphins, porpoises and other marine mammals depend on sound to communicate, hunt food, navigate, breed and detect predators. “Sonic Sea” investigates how man-made industrial noise from shipping, seismic exploration and naval sonar impairs their survival and prosperity.

The human cast of “Sonic Sea” is made up of 18 research scientists, naval officers, industrial leaders and environmental advocates including Dr. Sylvia Earle, Jean-Michel Cousteau and Sting, who also produced the soundtrack. Join marine biologist Heidi Whitehead of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network for the premiere of “Sonic Sea” in Houston.

World Ocean Day – Saturday, June 8

With a goal of promoting Ocean conservation and bring awareness to the dangers of plastic pollution, “Our Oceans, Our Future” is the theme for UN-designated World Oceans Day.

Celebrate at HMNS with a “dive” on life-size 2D coral reefs of the Gulf of Mexico with Dr. Adrienne Correa of Rice plus presentations by Rice University’s Department of Earth Science. At various hands-on stations, researchers from several organizations will share their appreciation for the oceans and marine life and ways we can help in their conservation.

This event is free with admission to the permanent exhibit halls!

This event is co-sponsored by Rice University BioSciences Department, NOAA’s Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network and HMN0

Authored By Kelly Russo

Kelly is a slightly dog-obsessed Jedi and Director of Online Media for HMNS. Her favorite activities include photography, stargazing at the George Observatory and finding new ways to bring the wonders of HMNS to the world.

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