Registration deadline approaching for HMNS awards and scholarship!

January 27, 2016
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by Scott Stevenson

Excellence in Science or Mathematics

Through the generosity of the Cockrell Foundation, the Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to offer the Evelyn Frensley Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement in Science or Mathematics in Science or Mathematics and in recognition of the fine educators of Houston we also offer the Wilhelmina C. Robertson Excellence in Science or Mathematics Teaching Award

2015 Luncheon

The museum hosted the Excellence in Science Luncheon at the Houston Country Club Oct. 22, 2015. The Evelyn Frensley Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement in Science or Mathematics was presented to Philip Tan of Lamar High School and Rolando Marquez of Sam Rayburn High School. The Wilhelmina C. Robertson Excellence in Science or Mathematics Teacher Award was presented to Mycael Parks from L.H. Stehlik Intermediate and Tom Heilman from St. Stephen’s Episcopal School Houston.


Dr. Zahi Hawass

The recipients and guests at the luncheon were treated to keynote speaker Dr. Zahi Hawass, world-renowned archaeologist. Dr. Hawass has served at most of the archaeological sites in Egypt during his career. 

2016 Student Scholarship and Teaching Award

Two annual awards of $2,000 go to two high school juniors in the Houston area. Of special interest to the museum review committee is a description of plans for college and future career and a description of projects or activities that demonstrate ability and interest in science or mathematics. To nominate a student, please fill out the 2016 Student Scholarship Form. The deadline for all submissions is April 22, 2016.

The Wilhelmina C. Robertson Excellence in Science or Mathematics Teaching Award of $2,000 will go to one Kindergarten to fifth-grade science or math teacher, and one sixth to 12th-grade science or math teacher who demonstrates significant ability and dedication to teaching in either discipline in the Houston area. You may nominate an outstanding teacher by filling out the 2016 Teaching Award Form. The deadline for all submissions is April 22, 2016.

Editor’s Note: Scott is Youth Education and Xplorations Camp Manager at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

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