Party like an Egyptian: New Ancient Egypt birthday theme makes it easy on your mummy

June 28, 2013
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We’ve got quite the thoughtful gift for your next birthday celebration: a brand new Party Smarty theme for our most petite patrons — Ancient Egypt!

As with all of our Party Smarty offerings, this ancients-inspired shindig includes two hours of noggin-nourishing goodness for 20 kids and 20 parents, with optional add-ons like live animal demonstrations.

In addition to Egyptian-inspired crafts — think sand art and hieroglyphs — we’ll mummify the birthday boy or girl (but skip the burial) and give the whole party a guided tour of our acclaimed new Hall of Ancient Egypt.

Announcing a new Party Smarty theme: Ancient Egypt!

If you’ve got an appetite for even more archaeology, an upgrade to the deluxe party package includes a special sculpting craft for the kiddos to make vases to hold their internal organs toys.

For complete info and pricing on the Party Smarty program, visit our Birthday Parties page on or call 713-639-4716.

Authored By Caroline Gallay

Caroline was the Digital Media Editor at HMNS from 2012 to 2013. She was responsible for telling the Museum’s story online. You could find Caroline on the site profiling characters around the museum and making sure you knew what the what was going on around this crazy/awesome place.

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