Lunar New Year | February 2022 Sky Happenings

Sky Map for February 2022

Jupiter remains in the west southwest as night falls.  However, Jupiter gets slightly lower each evening at sunset, until by mid-month it is getting lost in the Sun’s glare.  Once it’s gone, we’ll have no evening planets until August. Venus has entered the morning sky this month.  Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the […]

Get Curious with HMNS Adult Education

The Houston Museum of Natural Science is full of history, science and culture, as one might expect, but are you aware of the many opportunities to step behind the scenes and discover your very own fossils or travel the world alongside educators? I recently stumbled into a real fossil preparation event featuring none other than […]

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived!

Astronomers worldwide got a special Christmas gift this past year with the liftoff of the James Webb Space Telescope. It has just arrived (as of January 24) at its destination. By summer, it will begin 10 years (or more) of probing the deepest regions of the universe.  The James Webb Space Telescope is a collaboration […]

Ramses & Nefertari: Journey to Osiris in VR

Written by HMNS Staff David & Alicia Furse Imagine – You open your eyes and see pale light illuminating the area in front of you. In the light, you see a massive block of stone with a carved foot on top of it. Your gaze is drawn higher and you, perhaps, recognize a seated male figure […]

Happy New Year | January 2022 Sky Happenings

Venus switches from the evening sky to the morning sky this month. Venus outshines everything except the Sun and the Moon, so you can try to find it low in the southwest at dusk for the first few days of January. On January 8, Venus is in line with the Sun and impossible to see. After mid-month, […]

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