Summer Shopping at the HMNS Museum Store

July 11, 2022
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Quietly munching on the leafy fronds before them, the mighty Stegosaurus unknowingly eats its last meal as the eyes of a fearsome predator peer out from the shadows. With a blood curdling roar, the king of the dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus rex, erupts from the red boulders, hunger on its mind… Never mind that these two never crossed paths since the Stegosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic and the T. rex during the late Cretaceous- but when you’re a kid rummaging around your toy bin for your favorite dinosaurs, timelines aren’t exactly at the forefront of your mind.

T. rex toy available for purchase in HMNS Museum Store stands amongst red rocks

Dinosaurs have been a cornerstone for childhood memories for generations now- from visiting the skeletal behemoths in person in museums, to hearing the bone-rattling roars across theaters, to starting off mornings singing along to the colorful versions of them on television. Not to mention school projects, Halloween costumes, themed birthday parties, and then all of the dinosaur toys for every age- dinosaurs are part of our life blood. Dinosaurs are interesting and cool whether you’re nine or ninety-nine, and what better way to connect with the family than with everyone’s favorite creatures from prehistory? Take a peek at the dinosaur merch (and more!) that the Museum Store has to offer.

The quintessential dinosaur toy- the dinosaur itself! Dinosaurs from Acrocanthosaurus to Velociraptor line the shelves with styles designed to survive getting thrown into the toy box to detailed to-scale replicas fit for a collector’s shelf. Soft and cuddly versions of our favorite dinosaurs from the Morian Hall of Paleontology, Wyrex the T. rex and Dipsy the Diplodocus, make excellent bedtime buddies or car-ride companions.

Two kids stand in front of green grass and trees wearing dinosaur costumes

Dress for the job you want, even if that job is being a three-horned extinct dinosaur from the Cretaceous (it’s a tough job and someone’s got to do it). Perfect for a trip to the museum or recreating scenes from their favorite dinosaur movie, the Dinosaur Capes are built to withstand anything that’s not an asteroid. And where there are dinosaurs running amok, you betcha there’s Junior Paleontologists around to take notes and wrangle them when needed.

While you may not be able to leave the museum with the T. rex jaw you wanted, the Museum Store has a wide selection of Mammoth Fossil Knives, Megalodon Teeth, one-of-a-kind fossils and more. For other unique fossil finds, explore the Store’s jewelry, puzzles, and dinnerware to deck you and your house out, Jurassic style. Make sure to visit in person for in-store exclusive fossils.

After such a long day filled dino-mite moments, make sure your family winds down with a ptero-rific bedtime story featuring our very own Dino Dave, and make sure to check out the rest of the Store’s dinosaur book collection. It’s chock full of books suited for kids at different reading levels, including a few that grown-ups can add to their bookshelves.

Puzzle pieces of brown shades scattered in a circular layout around a central image ontop of a white background

The HMNS Museum Store is your one-stop shop for your paleontological provisions- make sure to keep an eye on the website and subscribe to the Store’s newsletter to get the latest dinosaur merch, deals, and events sent straight to you inbox.

Looking for more from the HMNS Museum Store? Check this out.

Authored By Lindsay Brull

Once voted most likely to spill coffee on everything she owns, Lindsay has lived up to the superlative admirably. As an employee of HMNS since 2014, her journey in the museum has included hosting children’s birthdays, running social media accounts, to finally taking on multiple mantles in the Museum Store and Marketing Department. When she’s not writing her heart out, Lindsay can be found catching up on her reading, quoting Lord of the Rings, and daydreaming about being a swashbuckling pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

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