Second Chance Sunday! Anyone In The Mood For Tacos?

The Beyond Bones Blog has been up and running for almost ten years now, and that’s great! But our readership rates haven’t always been as high as they are now. It’s been a long process, getting word out that HMNS has a lot of cool stories to share, so there a lot of great old […]

Cool Posts You May Have Missed This Week!

WHAT IS A DINOSAUR? A DISCUSSION OF ANCIENT FAMILY TREES AND DINO-IMPOSTORS In my years as a tour guide here at HMNS I encountered a lot of good questions. Most of the time the simplest questions were the best ones, like “what is a dinosaur?“. It’s a simple question but it has a complicated answer. […]

Mimics Among Us! Bugs That Aren’t What They Seem

By Theresa Freiburger, Horticulturalist/Greenhouse Manager at the Cockrell Butterfly Center  Mimicry, in the biological sense, is when an animal closely resembles another animal or plant. Mimicry happens in all shapes and colors throughout the animal kingdom. Some mimic the environment, like a leaf or a stick, while others have evolved to mimic other insects. What […]

Introducing The New HMNS Outreach Vans!

  After traveling over 30 thousand miles and delivering over 700 programs in 2016, the HMNS Outreach team has hit the road in 2017 with some fresh wheels!       Join us in welcoming these new vehicles to the HMNS family! With three rows of seating that fall perfectly flat, these Chrysler Town and […]

Our Wands May Not Be Magic, But They Sure Are Pretty!

  Museum guests who find their way into the Cullen Hall of Gems and Minerals usually have no trouble finding something to be in awe of. Passing through the Hall on my daily rounds, while looking for new hidden gems to spotlight, I rarely make it further than a few feet from the entrance before I […]

Sky Happenings In July 2017

    The Summer Triangle is high in the east.  This consists of the brightest stars in Cygnus, Lyra, and Aquila.  Scorpius, the Scorpion, is in the south, with the ‘teapot’ of Sagittarius to his left.  Leo, the Lion, sets in the west.  From the Big Dipper’s handle, ‘arc to Arcturus’ and ‘speed on to […]

Second Chance Sunday! Need A (T. rex) Hand?

The Beyond Bones Blog has been up and running for almost ten years now, and that’s great! But our readership rates haven’t always been as high as they are now. It’s been a long process, getting word out that HMNS has a lot of cool stories to share, so there a lot of great old […]

What Exciting New Info Did You Miss Out On This Week?

JOIN US FOR THE AUGUST 21 ECLIPSE The New Moon of Monday, August 21, 2017, aligns with the Sun and the Earth well enough to cast its shadow onto the Earth. The umbral shadow, where the Moon completely blocks the Sun, passes across the center of the USA, causing a total solar eclipse on a […]

What Is A Dinosaur? A Discussion Of Ancient Family Trees And Dino-Impostors

In my years as a tour guide here at HMNS I encountered a lot of good questions. Most of the time the simplest questions were the best ones, like “what is a dinosaur?“. It’s a simple question but it has a complicated answer. For most people, the only prerequisite for being a dinosaur is being […]

5 Of The Most Magical Objects In Our Collection

Pictured above is a Campa Shaman’s hood, the fourth object to be discussed in our 5 Of The Most Magical Objects In Our Collection series ( click HERE to see the other blogs in the series). You may have noticed that the hood has the body parts of a number of birds and small animals sewn […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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