HMNS Weekly Happenings

February 12, 2017
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Dream Big 3D


Opens February 17, 2017

All around the world, engineers are pushing the limits of ingenuity and innovation in unexpected, imaginative and amazing ways. Dream Big will take viewers on a journey of discovery from the world’s tallest building to a bridge higher than the clouds and a solar car race across Australia. Along the way the audience will witness how today’s engineers are shaping the world of tomorrow.

Dream Big pairs well with other STEM events at HMNS like Girls Exploring Math and Science. Learn more here.

Lecture – Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy by Melvin Konner

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Recent human history has upset the natural balance of the sexes that evolved with hunter-gatherer societies, whose culture gave women a prominent place, invented the working mother and respected women’s voices around the fire. A world of war has fostered extreme male dominance, but over the past two centuries, an unstoppable move toward equality is afoot. Dr. Melvin Konner will explain how similarities and differences between male and female brains, intelligence and specific dispositions will not be the end of maleness, but will be the end of male supremacy resulting in a better, wiser world for women and men alike.

Melvin Konner, Ph.D., M.D. is in the Anthropology as well as the Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology departments at Emory University. He spent two years among the !Kung San Bushmen. After the presentation, copies of his new book “Women After All” and his best-seller “The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit” will be available for signing by River Oaks Bookstore.

This program is cosponsored by the Center for the Study of Natural Systems and the Family.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 – 6:30 PM

Members $12, Tickets $18

Authored By Chris Wells

Adventure is my middle name. Well… actually it’s French. Literally, it’s Christopher French Wells. But the spirit of adventure lives in me, and has always inspired me to go out and seek new experiences. I’ve traveled to Europe, Mexico and South America, as well as few places in the U.S. I’ve seen different places with different cultures, learned some things about humanity and about myself in particular. My goal is to lend my unique perspective, carved out of my own triumphs and tragedies, fears and fancies encountered during my years of college and international travel, to the other great voices of this blog. Hopefully to the enjoyment of our readers…

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