For you and yours – the Sensory Friendly Event at HMNS

As a Museum educator, I see it every single day. Every person is unique and has their own interests and skills, their own ideas and needs. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science, we are committed to education, first and foremost, and we want everyone to enjoy HMNS as much as possible. I also know […]

‘Shaken, not stirred’ is more bond than you think!

Since HMNS is one of the featured charities at Okra Charity Saloon in September (read about it here), we’re doing a series of blog posts about cocktail chemistry this month. Get to know your drinks on a more molecular level. We’ll explore acids and bases, surface area, density, and fluorescence. It’s going to be elemental. […]

Of Pine Trees and Plate Tectonics: Life’s Struggle in Washington

Washington, the Evergreen State, you fly into the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, peering out the window to see human civilization existing as an ant farm below. Then, right beside you, Mount Rainier eclipses all that had stretched underneath, beyond the horizon. The plane is flying just a little higher than the summit (well, a few thousand […]

The Great Sweet Potato Mystery!

The holidays are a time to be with family, to re-prioritize your life, rediscover yourself and your road to inner peace… they’re also a time to eat lots of sweet potatoes! That’s right, nothing says “happy holidays” like a big, fat turkey with a side of sweet potatoes. The little guys have been trying to […]

Okra: Friend, Foe, or Fried?

Image from: Ah, okra. Okra is one of those divisive foods like mayonnaise or Brussel sprouts. Some people love it, while others are repulsed by the mere mentioning of its name. It’s like a culinary four-letter word. As a child, I was predisposed to hate okra. Everyone always described it as “slimy.” I’m not one […]

HMNS Weekly Happenings

Amending America: The Bill of Rights Member Opening: Friday, Sept. 2, 2016 | Public Opening: Monday, Sept. 5, 2016Tickets on sale now. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to our Constitution, is rooted in English tradition. Its origin has a remarkable story – beginning with the ideals the colonists had come to expect […]

Win a 3D printed Dinosaur Skull! If you can identify it…

These 3D printed skulls were made here at HMNS, in preparation for a larger project we are planning for one of our rare specimens, which will eventually be placed in our Hall of Paleontology. The 3D prints that we will create when everything is up and running will be used to further our knowledge of […]

Cocktail Chemistry: A Balancing Act

Since HMNS is one of the featured charities at Okra Charity Saloon in September (read about it here), we’re doing a series of blog posts about cocktail chemistry this month. Get to know your drinks on a more molecular level. We’ll explore acids and bases, surface area, density, and fluorescence. It’s going to be elemental. […]

Star Map: September 2016

Star Map September 2016 Venus is a little higher in the evening sky this month.    Look low in the west in evening twilight.   Mars and Saturn are now in the southwest at dusk.    Mars continues to fade each night as Earth leaves it farther and farther behind.  Also, it moves faster than […]

HMNS & the OKRA Charity Saloon!

  In September, HMNS will be one of four featured charities at OKRA Charity Saloon. To better serve the Houston community, we need your help. Visit OKRA in September to vote for HMNS—if we get the most votes, OKRA will donate their October proceeds to benefit the Museum’s educational programs!     How does it […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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