Howdy, Y’all! Meet some cool critters in the new Farish Hall of Texas Wildlife

October 27, 2014
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Looking for a fun way to explore the new Farish Hall of Texas Wildlife?! Check out our Farish Hall of Texas Wildlife Scavenger Hunt!

Whether you’re bringing students on a field trip or you’re just a kid at heart, visitors to the new hall will be astounded by the amazing natural diversity on display. With over 200 species on display and over 400 specimens, this is the most species-rich collection of Texas wildlife in the world!

Dan Brooks, HMNS Curator of Vertebrate Zoology in the new Farish Hall of Texas Wildlife.

Want to learn more about the Farish Hall of Texas Wildlife at HMNS?

Check out this video from My Fox Houston:

FOX 26 News | MyFoxHouston

Authored By Vincent Covatto

Vincent is the Copywriter at HMNS.

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