Seeing Stars with James Wooten: Total Lunar Eclipse this Month

Saturn is now in the southwestern sky at dusk. It outshines the stars around it, so it’s also easy to see.  Mars is a little higher in the morning sky this month. Look for it low in the east at dawn. Mars remains dimmer then average, though, and won’t rival the brighter stars until next […]

Seeing Stars with James Wooten: Saturn and Perseid meteors bright in August

Saturn is now in the south-southwestern sky at dusk. It outshines the stars around it, so it’s also easy to see. Mars emerges into the morning sky this month. Look for it low in the east at dawn.  Mars remains dimmer then average, though, and won’t rival the brighter stars until next spring. Venus and […]

HMNS changed the way I think about Earth, time, humanity, and natural history

After 90 days working at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, here’s the verdict: I love it here! Through research required to compose and edit posts for this blog, I have learned about voracious snails, shark extinction, dinosaur match-ups, efforts to clean up ocean plastic pollution, Houston’s flooding cycle, a mysterious society in south China, […]

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