Lecture – Timeline of the Universe by Carolyn Sumners
The space-time continuum–the joining of two, once separate, concepts have allowed science to understand how the Universe works. Dr. Carolyn Sumners, HMNS VP of Astronomy, will explain our personal sense of time, Earth time, star time, and finally, cosmic time–including the time scale of the Big Bang and the distortion of time by gravity.
Tuesday, October 03, 2017 – 6:30 PM
This event includes a viewing of Tales of a Time Traveler, the latest Burke-Baker Planetarium 8K film.
BTS – HOP – The Age of Man: Primates and Humans
Because the Morian Hall of Paleontology is too large to tour in one evening, we are bringing back this popular series that covers the hall section by section with James Washington–now expanded to 6 sessions. All sessions are Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m.
As the Ice Age began, the Primate order produced australopithecines, which is considered the halfway point on the journey from ape to human. In our final section of the Morian Hall of Paleontology, see how the human form evolved with the sophistication of our intellect. Compare early primates to Homo sapiens sapiens–us modern humans, noted to be very very smart. (Homo sapiens was first used to name early human species. Modern humans were christened Homo sapiens sapiens because our giant brains and intellect were far greater than our early human ancestors.) The last stop of the tour is the hunting grounds of the Clovis People, brave and clever folk who invented the mammoth-killing atlatl.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017. 6:30 PM
Tickets $25, Members $15 per session
Tickets sell fast!
Purchase entire 6-session package by July 5 to receive discount pricing: Nonmembers $130, Members $70.