The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of

Most of us are familiar with the crazy moon landing conspiracy theories that were sparked soon after Apollo 11 returned to Earth, but hardly anybody knows about the real moon hoax that occurred more than a hundred years before America’s Space Program was even conceived. On August 25, 1835 The Sun, a penny-press newspaper based […]

The Bone Wars: A Real Life Battle For Bones

Today on Beyond Bones I’m going to tell you a story of two Victorian Academics who spent the majority of their careers going to absolutely ridiculous lengths to out-science each other in a decades long clash of brains and ego. The feud has come to be called the “Bone Wars” by Paleontologists and its effects […]

Hilarious Stuff Kids Say At Our Museum

By Jayme Schlimper, Overnight Program Manager and Curator of Education Collections If you’re looking for a laugh today, you’re in the right spot. Everyone knows that kids say the darndest things and now that Summer Camps@HMNS is in full swing there have been quite a few interesting conversations I’ve overheard in the hallways. Here are […]

Why Does Satan Like The Violin So Much?

Violins are amazingly versatile instruments; they are equally at home whining their melodies in symphony orchestras in New York as they are on front porches in Appalachia. Apparently, they are even appreciated in Hell. For those of us who have heard the song The Devil Went Down to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band (and I imagine that’s most us) the […]

HMNS’ Guide to the Night Sky in Houston, June 2019

Today on Beyond Bones, HMNS’ resident astronomer James Wooten shows us what to look for in the night sky this month. Mars is low in the west northwest at dusk.  This is the last month to see it easily, as it now sets in twilight. Mercury enters the evening sky, approaching within ½ degree of […]

Employee Picks: Our Favorite Stuff to See at HMNS

By Jilliane Johnson, HMNS Concierge Summer is near and in a city such as Houston there are endless fun activities to enjoy, so we understand that our guests may only have so much time to share with us. Working at the Box Office, I hear the same phrase virtually every day. “We only have a […]

Mapping The Moon: Who picked all those crater names?

Our replica Moon has been on display for about a month now. As I helped create the information panels labeling craters and maria on the Moon, I found myself wondering, “Why does this particular crater have that name?” “Who picked the names anyway?” As it turns out, the names of features on the Moon are […]

Confessions of a Summer Camp Teacher: Things Kids Have Taught Me

By Jayme Schlimper, Overnight Programs Manager and Curator of Education Collections Hello all, with another great season of Summer Camps @ HMNS coming up, let’s take a moment to get a little sappy….but only a little…..with a little comedy thrown in to even it out because I don’t do feelings. If I did though, I […]

5 Interesting Facts About the Mighty Megalosaurus

Megalosaurus doesn’t get as much love as it deserves. It’s one of those B-list dinosaurs that hardly ever gets talked about. In fact, if Megalosaurus gets talked about at all, it’s usually in reference to the character Earl Sinclair on the amazing tv show Dinosaurs (1991-1994), who was a Megalosaurus and also awesome. But there’s much […]

A Peek Inside HMNS’ Secret Education Collections

By Jayme Schlimper, Overnight Program Manager and Curator of Education Collections Hello! Today I want to let you in on a secret. Hidden in the museum is a magical room full of everything you could ever imagine. A Room of Requirement, if you will (and if you are a Harry Potter fan). It’s called Education […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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