Member Appreciation: Why Join the HMNS Family?

September 6, 2019
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September is Member Appreciation Month here at HMNS! Every weekend will be filled with fun for all. Enjoy stargazing, photo bombing Victoria the T. rex and half-off member price tickets for choice venues, starting each Saturday. Featured exhibits will include the Cockrell Butterfly Center, the Burke Baker Planetarium, Wortham Giant Screen Theatre and HMNS at Sugar Land Dig Pit.

Permanent Exhibits for FREE

A Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Morian Hall of Paleontology.
The Paleontology Hall’s “Land of Giants” awaits HMNS members.

As a member, you can visit the permanent exhibits every day for a full year for free! There are so many things to see – Paleontology, Gems, Cabinets of Curiosities, African & Texas Wildlife – that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy it all from open to close, any time from the moment you grab your membership card until the last day of the month the following year.

Gone are the days when snail mail delivered those paper thin membership IDs. You can now pick up a shiny new card just moments after your purchase at the Box Office. Cards are equipped with a QR code that allows for quick scanning and immediate entry into the permanent exhibits. You know what that means, skip those long lines!

Discounts on Venues, Events and More

Audience view of the planetarium located at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.
Museum guests enjoy cosmic wonders within the Burke Baker Planetarium.

There are so many discounts that members have access to Tickets to the Cockrell Butterfly Center, Burke Baker Planetarium, Giant Screen Theatre and parking garage are all available to members at discounted rates. A set of vouchers for the Butterfly Center, Planetarium and parking garage are added to your account at the time of purchase – that’s $20 of freebies! You even receive up to 50% off tickets to special exhibits.

Members with families are able to unlock great money-saving opportunities like discounts on educator’s memberships, summer camps, birthday parties and a variety of events throughout the year.

Birthday party with tables and decorations setup at the Sugar Land Houston Museum of Natural Science
Birthday party setup in the paleontology hall of HMNS at Sugar Land.

We aren’t done yet, guys! HMNS houses two cafes, Elements and The Periodic Table, and a gift shop in which members receive discounts on all items purchased at all three locations.

If you haven’t already started looking for the “Make Me a Member” button or your car keys to hop in your vehicle and allow our staff to help you do so in person, I commend you for sticking around.

HMNS is not just one sole site with limited things to see. We have two satellite locations that offer different experiences than that of our main campus. Members can use their membership perks and discounts at our HMNS at Sugar Land and the George Observatory in Brazos Bend State Park.

Still reading? What are you waiting for? Become a member today!

Authored By Jilliane Johnson

Jilliane began her HMNS career in Visitor Services, greeting and assisting guests on a daily. Now as a full-time member of Marketing, Jilliane educates visitors and viewers of the various stories and storytellers within the walls. When Jilliane isn't writing, you can find her gaming, spending time with friends and family or watching trashy TV dating shows.

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