Lecture – Morituri te salutant: Life and Death in the Arena by Dirk Van Tuerenhout
With roots going back to Ancient Greek history, the institution of Roman gladiators is one of the better known aspect of Ancient Roman society. HMNS curator of anthropology Dr. Dirk Van Turenhout will address their story, going beyond the gore and violence, and answer questions such as: What are the roots of gladiatorial combat? Who were these individuals? What was the function of gladiatorial games? What kinds of gladiators can we identify?
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 – 6:30 PM
Members $12, Tickets $18
HMNS After Dark
Entry is included with the purchase of a permanent exhibit hall ticket.
Wednesday, March 29 | Museum closes at 9:00 p.m.
You asked, and we answered. For everyone who has wished for access to the museum in the evenings after work, here’s your chance… HMNS will stay open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.!
We don’t mean just the permanent halls, either. Drop by the Wortham Giant Screen Theatre, the Cockrell Butterfly Center and the all-new, renovated Burke Baker Planetarium.* They’ll stay open, too! But that’s not all. All the special exhibitions (Mummies of the World: The Exhibition and Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum) will also be open.* It’s your chance to see them without all the huge crowds!
Plus, take advantage of two public tours* at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. featuring the Hall of Ancient Egypt and the Morian Hall of Paleontology, and grab a drink at the cash bar. We will also offer exclusive tours of the halls that are not normally offered during regular hours. This month, during March, we’ll have special tours of the Hall of the Americas.
McDonalds will also be open.
Take a stroll, catch a flick and enjoy a wonderful evening out at HMNS After Dark.
*Requires a separate ticket purchase.
Lecture & Tour – Evening with the Collectors: Frank and Carol Holcomb, Mapping Texas
Frank and Carol Holcomb, of Houston, have been collecting maps since 1978. Their collection emphasizes color and rarity and consists of over 80 maps, dated between 1513 and 1904. These collected works cover the entire Western Hemisphere, with a primary focus on Texas and the United States. Nineteen maps from their world-class, private collection are on display at HMNS in this exhibition. These have been digitized by the General Land Office’s Save Texas History program to provide access to historians and the public.
Following the presentation, those in attendance will be invited to view the special exhibition “Mapping Texas: From Frontier to the Lone Star State.”
Thursday, March 30, 2017 – 6:30 PM
Members $12, Tickets $18
Spring Plant Sale
Saturday, April 1 | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (or until sold out)

Interested in Butterfly Gardening? The perfect opportunity to get started awaits you twice each year, at the Cockrell Butterfly Center’s semi-annual plant sales! Once in spring and once in fall, we offer a wide variety of nectar plants for butterflies and host plants for their caterpillars. Plenty of experts are on hand to answer your butterfly gardening questions and help you to create the perfect butterfly habitat – right in your own backyard.
Don’t miss the chance to embrace this wonderful hobby – or to add new varieties to an established garden. Come early for the best selection; plants go fast!
- $12.00 plus tax for 2 gallon pots
- $9.00 plus tax for 1 gallon pots
- $3.00 plus tax for 4″ pots
- **Museum Members will receive a 10% discount on purchases.
Click here to view the list of available plants.
Museum Parking Garage
Seventh Floor
5555 Hermann Park Drive
Houston, TX 77030
*30-minute parking is FREE, if you spend $30 or more!
Questions? Email bfly_questions@hmns.org.