Mark Your Calendars for these events happening at HMNS 11/23-11/29

November 22, 2015
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Bust out your planners, calendars, and PDAs (if you are throwback like that), it’s time to mark your calendars for the HMNS events of this week! 


Behind-the-Scenes Tour – Out of the Amazon: Life on the River
Tuesday, Nov. 24
6:00 p.m.
HMNS has an unparalleled Amazonia collection which is made up of rare artifacts from thirteen tribes. Priceless pieces of the collection-ceremonial objects, masks, body costumes, headdresses and more-are on display in the special exhibition Out of the Amazon. Tour this temporary exhibition with HMNS master docents who share stories of everyday life among rapidly disappearing indigenous groups. 

Behind-the-Scenes Tour – Spies, Traitors, Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America
Tuesday, Nov. 24
6:00 p.m.
Enemies within U.S. borders have been a threat since the birth of our nation. On this tour of “Spies, Traitors, Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America” you will learn of various acts of terrorism throughout US history and the government and public responded, as well as, examines the challenge of securing the nation without compromising the civil liberties upon which it was founded.

Authored By Sheila George

Sheila is the Manager of Online Media at HMNS.

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