Test your trend awareness with our HMNS Special Events quiz

August 21, 2015
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by Ashley Zalta

As we all know, the relaxation of summer is coming to a close. School’s starting back up, the days are growing shorter, and fall and winter are right around the corner. And when it comes to parties, social gatherings, and special events, we’re also heading into the busiest season. Whether you’re planning a social affair for friends, family, clients, or business associates, you want to make sure your event is memorable and on-trend. Do you know what’s all the rage for appetizers, decorations, themes, and colors? Here’s a fun quiz to test your trend knowledge, courtesy of the Special Events team at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Take the quiz.

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Special Events at the Houston Museum of Natural Science are classy and colorful, with a science spin. Fossils at the Morian Hall of Paleontology blow guests away.

How’d you do? Post your score below and compare your results with other blog fans!

Whether you scored an A or an F, our Special Events team can help you plan the perfect party, mixer, or wedding. We’ve got a wide selection of amazing event spaces, including the Morian Hall of Paleontology, the Cullen Hall of Gems and Minerals, and the Grand Entry Hall. And you can trust our experts to provide those trendy touches that will set your event apart from the rest. Call us at (713) 639-4749. Or find us on the web.

Editor’s Note: Ashley is the Special Events Manager for the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

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