Mark Your Calendars for these events happening at HMNS 5/11-5/17

May 10, 2015
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Bust out your planners, calendars, and PDAs (if you are throwback like that), it’s time to mark your calendars for the HMNS events of this week!

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Lecture – Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences Of A Hotter Planet By Gernot Wagner
Tuesday, May 12
6:30 p.m.
Demonstrating that climate change can and needs to be dealt withánd what could happen if we don’tåconomist Dr. Gernot Wagner of the Environmental Defense Fund will give an authoritative call to arms for tackling the defining environmental and public policy issue of our time. Wagner will present the likely repercussions of a hotter planet, drawing and expanding from work previously unavailable to the general public. He will show how economic forces along with sensible climate policies can help prevent a catastrophic future. A book signing of Wagner’s new book Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet will follow.

Cultural Feast – Samurai Fusion
Thursday, May 14
7:00 p.m.
The power and prestige of the samurai warriors are reflected in their cuisine-a fusion of tradition and innovation. Literary and historical records reveal the significance and symbolism of food and drink served at their tea ceremonies, banquets, and other events. Our inspiration for this Cultural Feast will be menus and recipes from surviving culinary treatises which featured both native and imported ingredients and a variety of techniques that later influenced the evolution of modern Japanese cuisine. Chef Rocco Nankervis of Oceanaire and culinary historian Merrianne Timko have collaborated on this history-inspired menu with a modern twist. This event will be hosted at The Oceanaire Sea Food Room in The Galleria.

Family Space Day At The George Observatory
George Observatory Expedition Center
Saturday, May 16
Blast into outer space on a simulated space flight to the Moon! The Expedition Learning Center at the George Observatory will be open for individual children and adults to sign up for missions. No danger is involved! Astronauts are assigned jobs aboard the Space Station Observer and work together as they solve problems and have fun. Volunteers who work at NASA will run the missions and visit with the participants. Don’t miss this special opportunity to participate in real astronaut training! Missions in the Expedition Learning Center are usually only open to groups with reservations. Don’t miss your chance to participate as an individual during this special event!

Authored By Sheila George

Sheila is the Manager of Online Media at HMNS.

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