Bakker blogs: Murder by hickey — or a dinner date with a meat head

We’ve been pondering  the problem of Dimetrodon-on-Dimetrodon violence. It’s a Red Beds tragedy; fin-back reptiles were nibbling each other’s brain bones and gouging each others’ cheeks. But now, maybe, we have some evidence for the softer side of fin-backs: hickeys and love-bites. Here’s a scientifically precise reconstruction of one fin-back smooching another on the back […]

Find out if you’re a Fabergénius here: This time with answers

Are you an expert in enameling? An authority on artistry? Find out the answers to our quiz below and then learn more with a visit to our Fabergé: A Brilliant Vision exhibit! 1. What “surprise” was inside the Imperial Egg created by Fabergé? a. Hen b. Elephant c. Clock pendant d. Picture frame 2. Carl […]

Are you a Fabergénius? Take this quiz and find out!

Are you an expert in enameling? An authority on artistry? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of all things Fabergé, and then learn more with a visit to our Fabergé: A Brilliant Vision exhibit! 1. What “surprise” was inside the Imperial Egg created by Fabergé? a.    Hen b.    Elephant c.    Clock pendant d.    Picture […]

Expand your mind and your belly at Pi Day this Thursday!

Some people celebrate birthdays with cake. We tend to do things a little differently. So when it comes to commemorating the birth of one Albert Einstein, we’re doing it with some flavor: celebrate Pi Day this Thursday, March 14 (3.14 — get it?) at either HMNS in Hermann Park or HMNS in Sugar Land. We’ll […]

Wildlife on Wheels turns muse for these talented artists from Johnston Middle School

When HMNS’ Wildlife on Wheels hit Johnston Middle School on Feb. 14, it wasn’t for your run-of-the-mill presentation. Our live animal presentations are anything but average, but this one was particularly fascinating: The students in Christina Gutierrez’s art class got to draw the wildlife they met, and their completed work is something special: Taryn Tsujimoto, […]

Seeing Stars with James Wooten: March 2013

Jupiter is almost overhead at dusk, but now a little toward the west. Face high in the west at dusk and look for the brightest thing there (unless the Moon is also there), as Jupiter outshines all stars we ever see at night. Saturn remains in the morning sky this month.  Look for it in […]

Editor's Picks The Real Moon Hoax That You Haven’t Heard Of Is Darwin relevant today? Oh The Hermannity! The Story of Houston’s Most Beautiful Green Space A Few Member Benefits Most HMNS Members Don’t Know About What The Loss Of The Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro’s Collections Means To The World What Is The Deal With Brontosaurus?!

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