
Matti Hammett has been an employee of HMNS since 2009, starting out as a Teaching Assistant in the Summer Camp Programs, then moving into Visitor Services, and finally moving over to Youth Education in her current position as Accessibility Programs Manager. She loves her job because she gets to learn new things every day and create resources and programming that help people! She also loves getting the opportunity to work with some of the COOLEST people and being able to take breaks in the world-renowned exhibits halls. When she’s not working, you can find Matti playing "conflict resolution supervisor" with her three cats and box turtle at home or doing yoga!

HMNS and World Autism Awareness Day

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, and HMNS is proud to have raised awareness about autism amongst staff within the past year! HMNS recertified as a Certified Autism Center in 2021, and HMNS at Sugar Land and The George Observatory received the same distinction for the first time. What this means is that staff […]

HMNS Celebrates Deaf History Month

You may or may not know that National Deaf History Month is celebrated from March 13 to April 15. This time is used to highlight and celebrate all the accomplishments of those who are deaf and hard of hearing. This month of celebration was specifically organized for March through April to be in line with […]

Two at Home Projects for Kids with Sensory Sensitivities

If you’re at home with a kiddo who has sensory sensitivities, it can be difficult to find new things to do. Here are a few activities that we’ve found to be helpful for students who we’ve met at HMNS! If your kiddo also loves to visit HMNS, but isn’t able to at the moment, we […]

HMNS is Here For You! Celebrating World Autism Awareness Day

In celebration of World Autism Day and Autism Awareness Month, we’re highlighting how super our visitors with Autism Spectrum Disorders are and sharing a few educational resources for you to explore! As a person who does not have Asperger’s or a related Autism Spectrum Disorder, it can be hard for me to imagine what it […]

Accessibility: HMNS Expands Resources and Programming to Welcome All

It’s been a while since we wrote our first blog post about Accessibility initiatives at HMNS, and we’ve come a loooong way since then! Since March of 2016 when we launched our resources for families of children and adults with sensory sensitivities and autism spectrum disorders, the Committee for Advancing Museum Accessibility has worked towards […]