Kathryn Hokamp

Kathryn is the butterfly entomologist at the Cockrell Butterfly Center, which includes taking care of the center’s butterflies, receiving shipments of butterflies from around the world, and educating the public about the wonderful world of arthropods. In less glorious terms, Kathryn spends the day cleaning up after butterflies. They are messy little creatures.

HMNS Wants You! (To Help Monitor Texas Butterflies)

With the start of summer, people around the state are looking for fun activities to fill the long summer months. Citizen Science is a great way to learn, have fun, and contribute to important research all at once. For people who enjoy looking at our beautiful native butterflies, the newly formed Texas Butterfly Monitoring Network […]

Bug Love! The Art Of Finding A Mate In The Insect World

  Every year on Valentine’s Day, we in the Cockrell Butterfly Center like to think about all our favorite insects and the methods they use to find mates. From special pheromones to elaborate mating rituals, every insect has a way to find a mate (or more often, multiple mates)!   It’s the smell that counts […]

Zombie Ants!

The Halloween season brings in hordes of scary creatures, from vampires to monsters to mummies. If we only look to the ant world, we can find all three. But these are not the scariest Halloween creatures to be found among the ants. Ant Zombies! In the tropical regions of the world, millions of ants are following […]