
Sahil has worked for HMNS in some capacity each summer since 2007 with the Moran Ecoteen Program and Xplorations Summer Camps. He quite literally grew up at the Museum; Sahil and his mom made biweekly trips at lunchtime until he started school at age 5, and he was a regular camper in Xplorations from ages 6-13. In 2014, he was hired full-time as Outreach Presenter, a job where his friends think he spends all day playing with alligators, tarantulas, and dinosaur fossils. He doesn’t like to contradict them.

The Spooky Side of Baseball

The Houston Astros are in the World Series again for just the second time in their history and right on time for Halloween. Two years ago, I dressed as the Astros Train Guy for Halloween, and this year was planning to dress as Astros first baseman Yuli Gurriel, known for his high contact rate at […]

Hawaii—a geology nerd’s wonderland

The band of Patels from two years ago in the Canadian Rockies is back, and this time, 16 of us visited Hawaii for some rest, relaxation and rocks! While the pristine beaches and amazing cultural significance of Hawaii attract many tourists to the islands, my family was just as interested in checking off two more […]

Introducing The New HMNS Outreach Vans!

  After traveling over 30 thousand miles and delivering over 700 programs in 2016, the HMNS Outreach team has hit the road in 2017 with some fresh wheels!       Join us in welcoming these new vehicles to the HMNS family! With three rows of seating that fall perfectly flat, these Chrysler Town and […]

The Volunteers and the Sounds of HMNS

  My office here at the Houston Museum of Natural Science is basically right outside a public hallway, so I overhear a great variety of things, from surprised exclamations as patrons look up and see the giant stuffed grizzly bear down the hall to hums of confusion as they examine a map (the Hall of […]

HMNS Outreach is Building a Better World—Literally!

  Education is our primary mission at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and we are committed to providing high-quality scientific experiences to children everywhere through our Outreach Programs. After all, the future scientists and engineers of the world are all over it! There’s no better way to get a jump start on a STEM […]

Thank you, HMNS Volunteers!

It takes much more than a village to successfully operate an organization like HMNS. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is one of the most visited museums in the country, but the experiences of each patron would not be the same without the hard work and dedication of the more than 1,000 active volunteers helping […]

For you and yours – the Sensory Friendly Event at HMNS

As a Museum educator, I see it every single day. Every person is unique and has their own interests and skills, their own ideas and needs. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science, we are committed to education, first and foremost, and we want everyone to enjoy HMNS as much as possible. I also know […]

‘Shaken, not stirred’ is more bond than you think!

Since HMNS is one of the featured charities at Okra Charity Saloon in September (read about it here), we’re doing a series of blog posts about cocktail chemistry this month. Get to know your drinks on a more molecular level. We’ll explore acids and bases, surface area, density, and fluorescence. It’s going to be elemental. […]

Sports Science: Olympics Edition ‒ Javelin

Every four years, the eyes of the world shift towards a global competition, complete with feats of strength, determination, talent and teamwork. The Summer Olympics are back, and I could not be more excited. The following post is one of three about some of my favorite events. This go-around, I’m rather excited to further study […]