
While chaperoning her nephew’s field trip in 2012, Karen decided she wanted to work at the museum as it combined her love of learning and old things. Since then she has had multiple roles in the museum, however the strangest would be creating tiny furniture for the museum’s Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

2020 Science Recap: The Non-COVID Edition

Whether you optimistically jumped into the new year or took small baby steps, we can all agree that last year was one for the books. Not only did 2020 became synonymous with adversity, disappointment, and frustration, but we were inundated by dismal news for so long that we probably forgot there was any other kind. […]

Archie the Wandering T-Rex Celebrates his Birthday

Guess what guys, it’s my birthday and I got to celebrate it at Disney World! A year ago I was officially adopted by my HMNS family and since then have had the greatest year of my life! This past year has been full of adventure, fun, and new experiences as I have had the opportunity […]