Jeff Cummins

What to do with leftover holiday plants

Editor’s Note: Not quite sure what to do with those holiday plants? Jeff Cummins of the Cockrell Butterfly Center lends a few suggestions. The winter holiday season has ended, the decorations are packed up for next year, the house is more or less back to normal, and we’ve [mostly] recovered from the festivities… but what […]

Passionvines | A Passion for Survival

Most reading this are familiar with the life cycle of a butterfly. An egg is laid on its host plant, the egg hatches into a caterpillar, the caterpillar eats the plant, the caterpillar forms a chrysalis, and then an adult butterfly emerges to continue the cycle. It’s easy to think of the plants in this […]

A Beginner’s Guide to the Fall Plant Sale

The Cockrell Butterfly Center will hold its Fall Plant Sale September 28, but many of you may be new to gardening with no idea which plants to purchase. In order to create a butterfly garden there are two basic types of plants that you will need. Plants that produce flowers that provide the adult butterflies […]