Guest Contributor
The Truth About Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation

By R. Patrick Wood, M.D. Recently the Beyond Bones Zoomcast welcomed R. Patrick Wood, M.D. from the organ procurement organization LifeGift onto the weekly interview show to chat about donating our organs after we die. We asked Dr. Wood to dispel some rumors and myths about this important, life-saving act. Organ, eye, and tissue donation […]
Excellence in Science and Mathematics Student Scholarships and Teacher Awards

By Scott Stevenson, Director of Summer Camps at HMNSYouth Education Manager Through the generosity of the Cockrell Foundation, The Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to offer the Evelyn Frensley Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement in Science or Mathematics and the Wilhelmina C. Robertson Excellence in Science or Mathematics Teaching Award. Four annual awards of […]
SPARKing Change with Autism Research at HMNS
Written by Dr. Robin Kochel, SPARK I will never forget the day that I learned that birds are dinosaurs. My family and I were visiting HMNS to finalize plans for my daughter’s birthday party on the Morian Overlook. This area provides a bird’s eye view of the Morian Hall of Paleontology which my parents had […]
Artifacts from the Historic POMPEII Eruption have Arrived in Houston

For centuries, the story of what happened to the ancient Roman city of Pompeii has captivated the world. The city lost and buried by the ash and volcanic debris of Mount Vesuvius remains a testament to nature’s fury, a tragic time capsule of life some 2,000 years ago. Opening to the public at the Houston […]
The Science Behind Myths

You’ve likely stumbled upon a myriad of articles with titles similar to this “Big meanies use science to debunk the Loch Ness Monster myth”, or “Loch Ness Monster Hoax” and so on. Unfortunately, this blog here today is not going to help convince you of the existence of any such monster, but it may help […]
From the Curator: The Purple Sea Snail – Upside Down Wanderer

If you have ever been to a beach where a Portuguese Man-Of-War jellyfish has washed up onto shore, you might also have seen the glorious Purple Sea Snail close by. These light-as-air snails live their entire lives upside down and attached to a living Portuguese Man-Of-War. The purple and blue colors of the air sack of […]
From our Collections: You Should See Me in a Crown – The Queen Conch
So what is a Queen Conch? First, they are Mollusks also commonly referred to as Sea Snails. They were once commonly found around the Florida coast and in much of the Caribbean Sea in great quantities. However they have been on the Endangered Species List for many years, and it is against the law to […]
From our Collections: Sailor’s Valentines of the 1800s
After long sea voyages in the early 1800’s, sailors returned home to wives, mothers and sweethearts with wondrous gifts from their travels. Among these wondrous and exotic gifts were what we now call “Sailor’s Valentines.” These intricate designs created with seashells were highly sought after, then and now. There are many serious collectors of these […]
Backyard Wildlife Scavenger Hunt
When learning about wildlife, we often focus on the far away and exotic, but there are plenty of fascinating plan and animal species outside around your home or local park. Use this scavenger hunt to help you discover them! Find a Rollie pollie. These are also called pill bugs, doodle bugs and woodlice. They are […]