Guest Contributor

From distinguished lecturers to scientific scholars to visiting curators to volunteers to leaders in their respective fields, we often invite guest authors to contribute content to our blog. You'll find a wealth of information written by these fascinating individuals as we seek to expand your level of knowledge with every post.

One Night Only HMNS Film Screening: Queen of the Sun

When you sit down for a meal, at least one out of every three bites you take is thanks to a pollinator, and that’s not just fruits and veggies. The animals that produce meat, milk, eggs and other animal products must be fed as well, and that feed often starts with flowering plants. To produce […]

Iceland: The Land of Fire and Ice through the Eyes of a Geologist

by Michele Wiechman   When people think of Iceland, the first thing that pops into their heads will likely be “the land of fire and ice.” This is fitting due to the fact that nearly 75 percent of Iceland is covered by lava fields or glaciers. It’s also a land of extremes. Icelandic volcanic eruptions […]

Girl Scouts earn badges for science at HMNS

by James Talmage, Scout Programs After more than a year of hard work, Girl Scouts Heidi Tamm, Zoe Kass, and others completed the entire Scouts@HMNS Careers in Science instructional series, earning each scout a total of seven badges. Careers in Science is the Scouts@HMNS series of classes for Girl Scouts that aims to introduce girls to different […]

Chiddingstone Castle curator Maria Esain lays out her all-time favorite objects

Editor’s Note: Today’s blog post comes to us from Chiddingstone Castle curator Maria Esain. Chiddingstone, located in Edenbridge, Kent in the United Kingdom, loaned significant artifacts to HMNS’ Hall of Ancient Egypt. Many visitors to Chiddingstone ask me the same question: what is your favorite object? I find it the most difficult question to answer, […]

The Secret Handshake: Presenting Business Cards in Japan

Editor’s Note: This post was provided by Kuraray, local sponsor to the special exhibition Samurai: The Way of the Warrior on display now at HMNS. “Do you have a card?” is a phrase uttered daily in American business. To us, it’s a piece of paper. We take notes on them, stuff them in our pockets and hopefully […]

Einstein Scavenger Hunt: Guess That Hall!

Editor’s note: This post was created by HMNS Concierge and Discovery Guide Corey Green.   Our good friend Einstein came to visit the museum and went through many of our exhibit halls. Can you name the halls he’s pictured in? (Click the pictures for answers!)  Want to go on a scavenger hunt with your very own […]

HMNS Birthdays: Are you a party smarty?

Editor’s note: This post was written by HMNS Birthday Party Assistant Manager.  We have had the proud honor of hosting 460 birthday parties at the Houston Museum of Natural Science this past year! We have enjoyed the new faces of guests having their party with us for the first time, as well as welcoming back many of our wonderful families to celebrate […]