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5 Of The Most Magical Objects In Our Collection

Pictured above is a Campa Shaman's hood, the fourth object to be discussed in our 5 Of The Most Magical Objects In Our Collection series ( click HERE to see the other blogs in the series). You may have noticed that the hood has the body parts of a number of birds and small animals sewn to it. These body parts are believed to contain the spirit of the animal and increase the spiritual powers of the shaman when he's wearing…

5 Of The Most Magical Objects at HMNS

This weeks entry in our "5 Most Magical..." series will discuss our cippus displayed in the Hall of Ancient Egypt. A cippus is essentially a magical amulet designed to protect Egyptian households from either negative spiritual influences or real-world perils such as scorpion stings and snake bites. The two figures seen at the front are the gods Horus and Bes. Horus was the God of Kings. He was a falcon-headed warrior whose roots run deep in ancient Egyptian history. His…

5 Of The Most Magical Objects In Our Collection

As we continue this month's weekly series 5 Of The Most Magical Objects In The Museum (see first article HERE) we will venture to the dark corners of our special exhibit Out of the Amazon: Life on the River to take a look at what is basically a shaman's toolkit. Last week we featured ancient Egyptian incantations designed to guide the spirit of a deceased person through the afterlife. This week we will discuss objects designed to protect the living from mysterious an…

5 Of The Most Magical Objects At The Museum

Listicles are always fun to read, and they're fun to make too! In keeping with our "5 of the most..." Series I've decided to write up a list of the most magical objects in our collection. But there's a problem.... magic is kind of a vague term. I mean, are we talking about turning a pumpkin into a carriage here? Or are we talking about religion? Well, religion itself isn't magic. defines magic as "the art of producing a…

Spring Cleaning: Rusty Tool Edition

In my early 30’s, I first learned about proper care and maintenance for pruning tools. Not to sound dramatic, but it has changed my life. I had no idea the power that basic household white vinegar holds over a pile of derelict tools. We all have that pair of crunchy old clippers, or that socket wrench set that’s been passed down for generations that is now more crusty than crescent. From hand trowels to tree loppers, no matter how old…

Now Playing | Are We Really Alone?

In the past, UFO programs have been more science fiction and less hard science. Now with better telescopes, brighter computers, and advances in theoretical physics, we can tackle the most profound questions in astronomy and perhaps in all of human history: Are UFOs real? and Are we really alone? Some theories we debunk. Aliens with advanced technology and energy sources could have been on Earth in the past. But their presence is not required to explain the accomplishments of our…

Insider Tips and Tricks for Visiting HMNS During the Holidays

The Houston Museum of Natural Science is always a magical place during the holiday season, and we’re not just saying that because, you know, we work here. There’s pretty lights all over, fragrant Christmas trees in the Grand Hall, and Trains Over Texas buzzing nearby. If we’re lucky it’s usually hoodie weather and the museum is warm and cozy, perfect for reading labels and expanding your brain. This holiday season at HMNS looks a little different. We’re all wearing masks,…

The Science Behind Myths

You’ve likely stumbled upon a myriad of articles with titles similar to this “Big meanies use science to debunk the Loch Ness Monster myth”, or “Loch Ness Monster Hoax” and so on. Unfortunately, this blog here today is not going to help convince you of the existence of any such monster, but it may help you understand how myths like Nessie were so convincing. It all has to do with what people knew at that time, and how they could…

A Whole New Amuletic World with Hall of Ancient Egypt Curator

While the Museum is closed I thought I’d share some photographs of objects in the Hall of Ancient Egypt that might not get as much attention as they deserve. These four little pieces, all under an inch tall, are today’s subjects for some time in the limelight. Image Credit: HMNS Photographer Mike Rathke Concern for one’s place in an uncertain and unfriendly world is a human constant, and amulets – objects worn or carried for protection and reassurance – remain…

What’s In A Birthstone?: Amethyst

Amethyst is a mineral known for its eye-grabbing violet hue. There are many examples of this beautiful sight within our Cullen Hall of Gems and Minerals, but such a cultural influence can be found in other corners of the museum. February's birthstone has many tales to tell. One of the most spectacular pieces in the collection is our large upright amethyst geode. This one and its partner by the gift shop elevator are both from Brazil which is known for…

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